

4年级 知识报 (39 / 2014期)(总1755期) 答案

A1. 女,a             2. b               3. c               
B1. 即使……        2. 不管……还是         3. 不但……还          4. 因为……所以
C1. 固守         2. 复杂        3. 缺乏       4. 减少            5. 珍惜          6. 保留              7. 模仿             8. 生疏
D1. 举世无双           2. 风调雨顺         3. 风土人情        4. 名不副实           
E1. 风调雨顺          2. 名不副实              3. 风土人情                  4. 举世无双
F 1. ,:,。                        2. —。

1. 方向                 2. 自然                 3. 着急                 4. 练习                5. 终于

A 1. a               2. a               3. b
B1. b                2. a

1. C                  2. D                     3. C                    4. B                    5. D                   6. C                         7. B

A1. C              2. B               3. A                              
B1. 芒果                 2.               3. 15

Latihan Berdasarkan Buku Teks
1. c            2. e           3. a           4. b             5. d

1. C              2. B                3. A              4. C               5. D              6. A

Textbook-based Exercises
A1. rainy, watched a movie at home
2. cloudy, read in the living room
3. sunny, played football in the field
4. windy, went for a walk at the beach
5. hazy, played board games at home
6. sunny, went jogging in the park

B 1. Strong winds keep us cool.
2. Rain water helps plants grow.
3. Continuous heavy rain causes the river to overflow.
4. The heat from the sun dries our wet shoes and shirts.

