

5年级 知识报 2011/30 总1627期 答案

1. D           2. D           3. B           4. A           5. C           6. B           7. D           8. D           9. A           10. C           11. A           12. A           13. C           14. C           15. C

1. 应该           2. 新衣           3. 品尝           4. 麦田           5. 亮丽

Revision Exercises(3)
(A) 1. A           2. B           3. A           4. B
(B) 1. D           2. A
(C) 1. B           2. A
(D) 1. D           2. B
(E) 1. D           2. C           3. B           4. D           5. D
(F) 1. at the Green Valley Forest Reserve
2. food, transportation and camping equipment
3. hiking, boating, rock climbing and fox-flying
4. for 20 pupils
5. teacher-in-charge, Mrs Malar

Latihan Ulang Kaji(3)
1. B           2. C           3. B           4. A           5. C           6. A           7. B           8. D           9. C           10. B           11. B           12. A           13. C           14. D           15. C

(A) 1. A           2. C           3. B           4. D           5. C
(B) 1. (a) 为了探讨晾毛巾的地点和毛巾变干所需的时间之间的关系。/ To investigate the relationship between the places where the towels are hung and the time taken for the towels to get dry.
(i) 晾毛巾的地点 / The places where the towels are hung
(ii) 毛巾变干所需的时间 / Time taken for towels to get dry
晾毛巾的地点温度越高/低,毛巾变干所需的时间越短/长。/ The higher/lower the temperature of the place where the towels are hung, the shorter/longer the time will be needed for the towels to get dry.
2. (a) 为了探讨液体的种类和倒入容器所需的时间之间的关系。/ To investigate the relationship between the types of liquid and the time taken for them to flow into the containers.
番茄酱是黏度最大的液体。/ Tomato sauce is the most viscous liquid.
番茄酱倒入容器所需的时间最长。/ The tomato sauce took the longest time to flow into the container.
(A) 1. D           2. D           3. B           4. A           5. D           6. D           7. D           8. D           9. B           10. D
(B) 1. 45 分钟 / 45 minutes            2. 7.3 个年代 / 7.3 decades           3. 8 年 5 个月 / 8 years 5 months           4. 2 小时 15 分钟 / 2 hours 15 minutes           5. 42 分钟 50 秒 / 42 minutes 50 seconds           6.13.08 km 7. 8.53 km 8. 1 300.8 km           9. 700 克 / 700 g            10. 3 kg 200 g            11. 375 g           12. 0.843 km

(A) 1. c           2. d           3. a           4. e           5. b
(B) 1.x          2.           3. x         4.  x         5.           6.
(C) 2,4,5

