

6年级 知识报 2011/24 总1622期 答案

(A) 1)B        2) B       3)D       4)B         5)C        6) A        7)C        8)B        9) D        10) B        11)C        12)B     

华文试卷 (二)
(A) 1)自动        2) 感冒        3)适当        4)恢复         5)松缓

(A) 1)C        2) B        3)A   
(B) 1)对        2) 错        3)错        4)对

(A) 1)A        2) D        3)C      
(B) 1)这些学生已遭病毒感染。/ The pupils were infected by a virus.
      2)6M 班大部分学生都在流鼻涕。/ The majaority of 6M pupils were down with runny noses.
      3)病毒通过空气传播。/ Virus apreads through the air.
      4)在打喷嚏或咳嗽是盖住嘴巴和鼻子。/ Cover the mouth and nose when we cough or sneeze. 

(A) 1)B        2) C        3)D    
(B) 1)480m2      2)120cm2       3)183cm2      

Latihan Berdasarkan Buku Teks
(A) 1)B        2) A        3)D        4)A          5)C   

1)B        2) A        3)C        4)D         5)C       6) B     

Textbook-based Exercises
(A) 1)A        2) A       
(B) 1)A        2) D        
(C) 1)at the Old Folk's Home
      2)help them with their daily chores.
      3)the Malaysian Red Crescent Society.
      4)during emergencies
      5)food and essential items    

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